In Megaventory, we understand that switching to new software or changing the inventory management system might be challenging at times. This is why we don’t want the language to become a barrier. Megaventory can be used in English, Spanish, Greek, French, German, Arabic, Portuguese, and Romanian. And not only that. To make its use even…
Category: localisation
Here Are 5 Questions You Should Ask Your Cloud Provider
This post was originally published in August 2013 and has been completely revamped and updated in June 2023 for accuracy and comprehensiveness. More and more cloud software companies have been developing in the last couple of years. Thus, it has become difficult to recognize and differentiate the true cloud providers, the secure ones, and everything…
Localisation in Megaventory
As mentioned in the previous post about the recent German localisation of Megaventory, it is possible for any admin user to change any text in the application. Such changes can be in either the native language or the exact terminology preferred. This helps to address the peculiarities of language but also allows the different ways different…