Just before the end of 2009 We are very excited to announce the v1.0 release of Megaventory. In this release we introduce an extensive currency support that includes average costing reporting in multiple currencies. Note that very few ERPs can actually keep track of average costs in multiple currencies and be able to edit past transactions/invoices (not to mention their price). Number and date formating has also been addressed and so, formating can now be user defined. Finally, lots of work has been done in fixing bugs and get closer to take out the beta sign.
Ok, here is the list:
- New pages added: Currency.aspx, CurrencyConversions.aspx, CurrencyEdit.aspx
- These pages are related to more efficient currency management. and enable average costing functionality in multiple currencies.
- New Features and Fixes: Report1.aspx (Product Movements), Report2.aspx (Availability Levels), Report3.aspx (Inventory Value), Report4.aspx (Gross Profit), Report5.aspx (Order Report)
- The currency option is now available as a drop down field. Costs and revenues are based on actual (or provisional) exchange rates set by the user in Report3.aspx, Report4.aspx and Report5.aspx (feature).
- The pop-up window (drilldown window) showing the details of the report4.aspx was not displaying results after page two in report4.aspx (fix).
- The inbound quantity has been taken out from the drilldown in report4.aspx (it was always empty since only out transactions were taken into account). Two more columns are added: COGS and Gross Profit per transaction (feature and fix).
- The pop-up window showing the details of the report5 had the header text set to ‘transaction number’ and is now changed to ‘order number’ (fix).
- Some data field option buttons were not colored red in report5.aspx (fix).
- The fixed width of the reports was causing some design issues (scroll bar was disappearing) after post-back (fix).
- When the category was collapsed by the user the bar graph was coming up empty in all reports (fix).
- A security issue existed under a certain scenario regarding the data in the bar graphs in reports (fix).
- The ‘today’ option in report1.aspx, report4.aspx, report5.aspx was not displaying the data according to the time zone of each account (fix).
- New Fix: Edituser.aspx
- The administrator user of the account could be deleted (by the administrator) if the administrator username contained upper case letters. This is now fixed (fix)
- New fixes: AccountUpgrade/AccountDetails.aspx
- The page did not show expiration date and respective button controls were not visible (fix).
- There was an issue with the time extension of a premium+ account (fix).
- New Generic Features:
- Text has been corrected in various pages (fix).
- A support tag has been added to the browser window. The tag is sending support emails with a unique identifier so they can be handled more effectively by the megaventory support team (feature).
- Formatting on all pages can be set according to user selection. Data import now takes into account the formatting of numbers (feature).
- All textboxes are now displayed with rounded corners (feature).
- The time offset was set incorrectly for India and other countries with half hour offsets (fix).
- The currency management is added in the administrator dashboard/menu (feature)
- If an account expires, the users (not the administrators) could not see a warning msg (fix).
- if an administrator changes the initial password the new password was not updated in the respective database table (fix).
- Fix: PickProduct.aspx
- The css file has been added to the header of the file so the page follows the generic design of megaventory (fix).
Kostis is the Megaventory CEO.