Well, me and Puneet -the engineers of megaventory- are working really hard these past weeks, i thought I should update a bit our blog to include some cool comments we got by two of our clients. The first email came from the US and it looks like this:
‘Let me say that we LOVE the software. It does everything we need and I
believe we will be quite happy with it as a permanent tool for inventory.
As we expand I anticipate upgrading again.
Also, I am very impressed with the speed and quality of your customer
support. I’ve sent you several emails and each one was responded to in a
timely, professional manner, with the issue being resolved quickly.
Great job! Great software! Keep up the good work! Brian’
The second one comes from a megaventory user based in Japan:
‘Just be quick
It seems you are setting a new standard, very innovative and creative.
I thought of the birth of the EasyJet when I found your service online.
The Easy forced the industry to change.
Hope the Megaventory continues to work 24hours/365days, with no downtime.
As long as I observe now, it is working okay. Nobu’
Really, in the life of the startup, it’s not only the cash that makes entrepreneurs smile. It is also in some feedback emails that you find happiness. So… Keep us sending such comments and the wheel will keep turning!
Kostis is the Megaventory CEO.