Megaventory is growing day by day and we are introducing new features together with improving the user interface so that our users -no matter how much of a computer experts they are-, they will nevertheless feel comfortable with any technical operation. Having said that, let us share our enthousiasm for our v2.0 upgrade. This is our biggest upgrade yet and we are proud to introduce some incredible features and improvements. As usual, we fix some bugs (!). Here is the long list:
- [Generic] (Design)
- All buttons have been iconized
- All buttons have a different font and background color according to their usage inside megaventory
- Messages, Warnings and Errors have been styled as such with appropriate container boxes and icons
- A loading class is added to text fields fetching data with the autocomplete so the user will know that something is happening in the background
- The menu has bee redesigned and made shorter. It takes less vertical space and enables better visibility
- The megaventory logo has been made smaller in size and repositioned above the menu
- (Navigation and Textual Changes)
- Page Names have been changed to exactly match those of the menu.
- “Upload Language Pack” has been renamed to “Use Language Pack”
- “Clear User-Defined Strings” has been renamed to “Reset All Strings”
- “Customize Megaventory” has been renamed to “Localize Megaventory”
- “Account Logs” has been renamed to “Activity Logs”
- “Ordering” has been renamed to “Orders”
- “Reporting” has been renamed to “Reports”
- “Home” has been renamed to “Dashboard”
- “Restrict to one supplier” has been renamed to “Restrict to main supplier”
- “Past transaction invoices issued under this transaction” has been renamed to “Past transactions already issued under this transaction”
- “My Inventory (OnHand Inventory)” has been renamed to “OnHand Inventory & Alerts”
- “Transaction Number Or SKU” has been renamed to “SKU or Row Remarks”
- “Cannot be changed once transaction is created” has been renamed to “Cannot be changed once transaction type is created”
- “Cancel and get back to the supplier list. Do you want to continue?” has been renamed to “Cancel and get back to the supplier/clients list. Do you want to continue?”
- [Grid Pages] (ALL)
- The Grid Fields can be chosen with a checkbox instead of dragging and dropping each one separately
- A hover effect has been introduced to the grid rows
- A new style has been introduced to the grid column when the column is sorted
- A new style has been introduced to the grid row when the row is chosen
- Grid buttons “Export”, “Edit”, “Delete” display the number of grid rows chosen by the user.
- In multiple edit or export button at least one checkbox should be selected. If not, a message is displayed.
- The filter row now filters by “contains” instead of “starting with”
- The search term is yellow highlighted inside the grid
- The “Clear Filter” text has been changed with an icon
- [Dashboard]
- Complete redesign of the dashboard to include just the critical megaventory operations.
- A new panel has been introduced with the user saved reports. Users can now access their saved reports from the homepage
- [Reports] (ALL)
- The “Show More Fields” in Reports has been moved to the bottom as in other grid pages
- The Currency icon and respective dropdown has been made a dropdown and moved to the top
- The Date icon and respective chackboxes have been made a dropdown and moved to the top
- The Save Report block has been made a modal box
- The Saved Reports block has been made a modal box.
- The Report Fields can be chosen with a checkbox instead of dragging and dropping each one separately
- [Products] (under Maintenance)
- A default -no image available- image has been introduced in case the user doesn’t introduce a URL for the image
- In multiple edit, the supplier price needs is taken out and a bug with a disabled button was fixed.
- [Transactions] (under Maintenance)
- The transaction description has been made unique. This is checked when the user creates it
- The invoicing info has been included in the grid
- A tick icon has been used instead of the “Show” text
- [Suppliers/Clients] (under maintenance)
- When child products were chosen to be moved to another supplier the application was throwing an exception if no supplier was chosen
- [Orders] Order List
- The search button has been moved underneath the radios & checkboxes in the header
- The radios and checkboxes have been moved to a new section, next to the search textbox
- The search textbox searches for SKUs and Order Remarks (instead of SKUs and Order Numbers).
- The search term (of the textbox in the header) still filters the page even if the user navigated away from the page. To clear the filter a link has been added
- [Transactions] Transaction List
- The search textbox searches for SKUs and Order Remarks (instead of SKUs and Order Numbers).
- The search term (of the textbox in the header) still filters the page even if the user navigated away from the page. To clear the filter a link has been added
- [Generic] (Functional)
- A new “Return type Transaction” has been introduced. The transaction when issued gets items inside the inventory locations and updates costs and -probably- revenues (according to the outbound transaction used to send things out).
- The Warehouse Receipt or the Consignment Note can now be invoiced partially.
- [Onhand-Inventory and Alerts]
- New page design
- The header has been redesigned. Each searh operation has its own panel
- The inventory location abbreviations have been removed from each row and added on the header to remove unnesessary repetitions
- The commited SKUs have been made a link to the Order List page. The page opens up prefiltered with open orders including the SKU and the inventory location chosen.
- Added the unit price -as a column- in the Onhand-Inventory and Alerts inventory page
- In the autocomplete search textbox, a JavaScript error has been corrected.
- The pop-up products, if invoked from the On-Hand Inventory and Alerts page does not close the browser window once the user presses update
- [Sales Order] (InvoiceMid.aspx)
- A short tooltip is added to explain the behavior of the drop-ship Sales Order. The Wikipedia link redirecting to an outside link is deleted.
- A short tooltip has been added according to the selection of the transaction type the user chose
- Drop Shipment Order is now converted to a label for the respective checkbox [applies in Sales Orders only]
- The plus icons have been made small links so that users can add on-the-fly new entities (locations/clients etc)
- A watermark has been added to dropdown controls to help users understand the behavior of the drop-down controls in this page
- [Trace Inventory Changes]
- Results are not displayed before the user conducts a search
- [Activity Logs] (under Admin Settings)
- fixed a bug where the onhand inventory changes had an image similar to the supplier inventory changes
- [Localize Megaventory] (under Admin Settings)
- The success image is not displayed on blur if the user did not change the text
- [Manage Currencies] (under Admin Settings)
- A tick icon has been used instead of the “Show” text
- The update costs button make it available if an exchange rate takes place
- [User List] (under Admin Settings)
- A circle icon has been added to indicate when a user is online (instead of text)
- A permissions icon has been added instead of the “permissions” text
- [Data Import] (under maintenance)
- The page has a new design
- [Inbound/Outbound Transactions and Orders] (inout.aspx)
- When a user clicks the last (x) in the inout form, then the server was throwing exception. This is fixed.
- A new order/transaction form design is introduced. When the rows exceed a number of lined, then the from is bounded by a box to ease visibility.
- [Supplier Inventory]
- the button has been deleted. The drop-down menu is used for the postback of data
Kostis is the Megaventory CEO.