In our effort to make the life of small and very small business owners that much easier, we decided to collect all useful content that’s been posted in this blog in a handy PDF guide. The ‘Online ERP Guide’ is made up by two sections. The first part introduces the basic concepts (what is…
Category: ERP
Transforming the Future of ERP Software for Unstoppable Manufacturing Growth
Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally published in may 2012 and has been fully updated and improved in september 2024 to be comprehensive and easily understood. ERP is a software that maps real-life business processes in the computer for analysis and reporting. We’ve also written an introductory blog post about what ERP software is….
Market research: – The open source ERP
This is the last on this series of posts reviewing the best and most popular online ERP vendors for our imaginary MegaComp company of 9 employees and 4 locations. So, last but not least, it’s Features: Quite feature-rich itself, erpnext offers a lot of services a business may need and it is clear the…
Import Bills of Materials from Excel for Easy Management with Bill of Material Software in Megaventory
This blogpost was originally published in February 2012 and has been updated in December 2024. For users in manufacturing who are utilizing the Works module of Megaventory, we’re pleased to highlight the ability to import Bills of Materials using an Excel template. This Bill of Material Software feature streamlines the process of adding and managing…
Market research: – the innovative SaaS ERP
Next on our series of review posts for online ERP providers for small and medium businesses is – always with an eye to cover the needs of your fictional MegaComp and of course we’ll be reviewing myERP with our usual set of ERP selection criteria. Features: Following the very positive and minimal first impression…
Market research: – the feature-full SaaS ERP
Following up on the previous posts and in an effort to help people decide what is the best ERP solution for them we will be looking into other service providers in the industry. If you don’t know what ERP is, you better read this thread instead and come back later. We’ll be looking into Software-as-a-Service…
Why Megaventory Is The Best Inventory Management Software
Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally published in January 2012 and has been completely revamped and updated in November 2022 for better understanding and comprehensiveness. In our recent ERP guide, we covered business software basics and how to choose the right software for your business. We also posted a very interesting study regarding business…
What’s cloud ERP and why it’s better than traditional ERP?
Once you’re in the market for an ERP solution for your business sooner or later you’re going to have to choose whether to have one installed in your offices or whether to use the more modern subscription based Software-as-a-Service (or ‘in the cloud’) approach. The traditional solution means finding and approaching vendors who’ll make you…
Check out our new promo video!
Given the major upgrade that took place here in (actually half of the upgrade, more features are coming up soon) over the past couple of weeks, we thought it’d be a good idea to create a short video explaining what it is we do and how you can benefit from it. We hope…
5 Steps on How to Create A Sales Quote in Megaventory
Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally published in November 2011 and has been fully updated and improved in October 2024 to be comprehensive and easily understood. Imagine the moment when a product catches the eye of a potential buyer, and all that’s needed is a well-crafted sales quote to seal the deal. In the…